A new report by cybersecurity firm Kaspersky has revealed a 5 percent rise in cyberattacks targeting small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) in the first quarter of 2024 compared to the same period last year.

The report, which paints a concerning picture on SMBs also revealed that the most common type of attack involves Trojans (7% compared to 2023) and malicious software disguised as legitimate programs. According to Kaspersky, these attacks are particularly dangerous because they can bypass traditional security measures.

Also, the report shows that Microsoft Excel has become the top target for attackers, displacing Word from the number one spot. This highlights the growing trend of cybercriminals exploiting popular business applications to gain access to sensitive data.

The report details several methods used by attackers:

  • Malicious Software Hidden in Familiar Software: Cybercriminals are distributing malware disguised as business software (e.g., fake accounting software).
  • Phishing Attacks: Hackers send emails with links that appear to be from legitimate sources, tricking employees into revealing passwords or downloading malware.
  • Exploiting Trust in Spreadsheets: Attackers can hide malicious code within large Excel spreadsheets, compromising data when shared across a company.

Meanwhile, Kaspersky has emphasized the importance of cybersecurity awareness training for employees, explaining that human error due to a lack of knowledge remains a significant vulnerability for SMBs.

The report concludes by stressing the critical role SMBs play in the global economy. With limited resources for security, SMBs are particularly susceptible to cyberattacks. Kaspersky urges businesses to implement clear cybersecurity policies and educate employees on safe practices.


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