Meta, the parent company of Instagram, has introduced a new feature designed to provide a safer and more positive experience for teenage users. Instagram Teen Accounts, which will automatically be activated for users under 18, come with built-in protections that limit who can contact teens and the content they see.

“We want parents to feel confident that their teens can use social media to connect with friends and explore their interests without worrying about unsafe or inappropriate experiences,” said [Meta Executive]. “Teen Accounts are designed to better support parents and give them peace of mind that their teens are safe with the right protections in place.”

Key Features of Teen Accounts:

  • Limited Contact: Teen Accounts restrict who can send direct messages to teens, preventing them from receiving unwanted or inappropriate content.
  • Curated Content: The algorithm will prioritize age-appropriate content and limit the exposure to potentially harmful or disturbing material.
  • Parental Controls: Parents can review and adjust their teen’s account settings, ensuring they are comfortable with the level of privacy and safety.
  • Topic Selection: Teens can choose the topics they want to see more of in their Explore feed, allowing them to focus on content they enjoy.

“We developed Teen Accounts with parents and teens in mind. These protections are designed to address parents’ biggest concerns, including who their teens are talking to online, the content they’re seeing, and whether their time is being well spent,” Meta said in an email.

By introducing Instagram Teen Accounts, Meta aims to create a more positive and secure online environment for young users while providing parents with greater peace of mind.


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