<a href=”http://itpulse.com.ng/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/med.jpg”><img class=”alignleft size-medium wp-image-807″ src=”http://itpulse.com.ng/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/med-300×262.jpg” alt=”med” width=”300″ height=”262″ /></a>[dropcap] M [/dropcap] edallion Communications Limited has said it’s currently repositioning to expand their infrastructure and extend the company’s services to other cities like Port-Harcourt, Kano and Ibadan. The company said in doing this, Nigerians in other parts of the country will benefit from its cutting edge solutions that they have always offered Lagos and Abuja residents. “We are trying to expand to additional cities; it is our hope, that will be done before the year end so we can offer similar type benefits in Lagos to at least additional five cities. We are currently trying to deploy infrastructure to Port-Harcourt, Ibadan, Kano and then improve our existing infrastructure in Lagos and Abuja,” said Ikechukwu Nnamani, Medallion’s chief executive officer in an <span style=”text-decoration: underline;”><span style=”color: #0000ff;”><a style=”color: #0000ff; text-decoration: underline;” href=”http://itpulse.com.ng/exclusive-interview-with-medallion-communications-ceo-how-delay-in-payment-of-interconnect-charges-is-undermining-qos-in-nigeria/”>interview</a></span></span>. According to him, Medallion Communications is constantly providing the necessary infrastructure that allows customers to operate in a more cost effective way, adding that has helped the company to increase its customer base in the last one year, especially from new licensees. He said Medallion is promoting convergence, being a carrier neutral and ensuring that new operators are able to get into the market as quickly as possible. The business of Medallion involves setting up Interconnect Houses where operators, not only have the opportunity to interconnect with multiple operators in one location, but equally share the available telecom infrastructure thereby reducing overhead. While most interconnect operators focus on only transiting of calls, Medallion’s model offers full financial settlement and reconciliation of interconnect traffic. According to the company, this method greatly eliminates interconnect indebtedness in the industry and lead to the accurate and timely processing of interconnect charges. Medallion deploys a robust and efficient billing and settlement infrastructure that is transparent in the resolution of interconnect related billing issues. The company said this is in tandem with its mission to building technologically advanced and secure interconnect switching centers, that enables the exchange of telecom traffic like voice, data, sms amongst the different operators in the market.