Several estate agents in Lagos last week engaged Lamudi, an online real estate marketplace in a bid to forge and strengthen the real estate industry in Nigeria. The estate agents took charge of the property portal’s social media channels, to answer questions and interact with customers and members of the (online) public. Questions from the online audience ranged from the reason for the almost inevitable fee collected by agents before inspection, commission on rent and rental costs to tips for renting the perfect home. Some agents took the opportunity to educate the public on their activities outside rentals of property and to network with each other and staff of Lamudi Nigeria. Mr Ajadi Abdulazeez of Zeez Consult and Properties Management expressed his gratitude about being part of the event. Similarly, Dr Onabanjo of United Auction House said, “I am overwhelmed by the friendliness of Lamudi Nigeria towards their customers. Thank you for this opportunity”. The Social Media Takeover event was designed as a means to enhance interaction with Lamudi Nigeria’s online following, to give the agents an opportunity to experience, first-hand, the company’s processes, and as a forum for staff to meet the agents and discuss any issues concerning future projects. Fifteen agents were in attendance at the event. The Lamudi website offers an easy to use and secure platform to buy, rent or sell real estate online., which started operations in October 2013, has over 30,000 residential and commercial property listings from developers and real estate agents. The company has active offices in Lagos, Abuja, Ibadan and Port Harcourt.