The Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Warri based Rolof Computer Academy, Mr. Lucky Ofuafo, last week urged the Nigerian government to rejig the country’s education sector with special emphasis on technical education, science and technology, mathematics, arts and vocational training.

He also argued that apart from government intervention, parents and guardians of School children should encourage their wards to develop an interest in science and technology skills, beside their normal academic pursuits, stressing that they will have a lot to benefit through such extra-curricular training to groom them for the challenges of life.
“There is a need for children to continue to develop new talents and widen their mental and psychological bearing by enhancing their skills in strategic areas of learning so as to be more useful to themselves and impact society for good,” he said.
He believes that what the 84 graduands took home from the training far supersedes the parents’ investments in the

He added that the government must encourage more investment in science education for grooming of young stars in ICT, Core sciences, Arts and creative learning.
The highpoint of the ceremony was the presentation of projects coupled with the demonstration of specific skills and talents developed from the training to the delight of the parents and guardians.
While some of the graduands demonstrated how cars could respond to a traffic light with an accuracy of functions in the use of

One of the graduands, Omagbemi Philips, gave an account of his creative proficiency with different technical skills and oratorical finesse which stood him out as the star of the day. He called on parents to encourage their wards to be outspoken and forward-looking so as to be fully groomed to take their place in society.