The National Information Technology Development Agency (NITDA) has met with relevant stakeholders with the aim of reviewing the Strategic Roadmap and Action Plan (SRAP) 2021-2024.

The meeting, which was held at eGovernment Training Centre, Public Service Institute of Nigeria, Abuja is aimed at critically reviewing the SRAP document and making adjustments where necessary.

It is also in line with the continuous implementation of the National Digital Economy Policy and Strategy (NDEPS) by President Muhammadu Buhari’s administration.

Delivery his address at the meeting, the Director General of NITDA, Mal. Kashifu Inuwa noted that the review of the document was to enhance collaboration, co-creation, partnership and share ideas to ensure that Nigeria attain a sustainable digital economy.

“Technology has impacted our everyday lives and it is important to set up policies that will guide the ecosystem,” said Inuwa, who was represented by Ag. Director, Digital Economy Department, Engr. Salisu Kaka.

He noted that the re-designation of the Ministry to include Digital Economy in 2019 came with lots of challenges and opportunities and therefore emphasized on the need for drivers of the ecosystem to refocus and reposition themselves appropriately for the 4th Industrial Revolution.

SRAP is a document crafted by NITDA which contains the agency’s vision of developing Nigeria into a sustainable digital economy; an economy that is prosperous and driven by technology.


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