By Martin Ekpeke

Programos Foundation, Nigeria’s coordinating civil society organization of the United Nations based World Summit Awards which selects and promotes local digital innovation with high impact on improving society has released results of winners for this year’s edition.

According to a statement released during the weekend by Amos Emmanuel, President, Programos Foundation and the WSA Eminent National expert for Nigeria, the results were based on nominees and products with respect to World Summit Award Nigeria 2017  national database, which closed on the 15th of August 2017.

The award is categorized into the following: Learning &  Education, Culture &  Tourism, Government &  Citizen  Engagement, Smart  Settlement & Urbanization, Business &  Commerce, Inclusion and Empowerment, Health and Well Being, and Environment &  Green Energy.

The winner for the Learning &  Education category this year is EDALAF TUTOR, an educational and parental  monitoring app which gives parents access to monitor the  activities of their wards on their mobile  phones. The solution, which is championed by Abiodun Falade also provides safe internet and blocks out  pornography and extreme sites and ultimately provides child safety through embedded  location services. Coming second and third in this category are: KOKOKA by Olaitan Mercy Adeboye and MYPADI by  Joel Amawhe respectively.

For the Culture &  Tourism category, NICADEMIA, anchored by Ubalua Valentine won. Nicademia is a video on demand platform  for African Inspired Cartoons. The aim of  the platform is to promote African Cultures,  Traditions, Values and Norms to the world  as well as create a market for African  Animations.   So far, NICADEMIA has generated over $20,000 in  revenue and have some of the animated  videos airing on 7 local and international  TV channels with 2 million viewers watching  weekly.

ONLINE LEGAL ACCESS, led by Gbenga Oso won the Government &  Citizen  Engagement category. OLA, as it is called, is Nigeria leading  online legal and legislative information  provider, pioneering a unique business  model in the area of citizenry access to  legal and legislative information and  achieving both local and international  success.

In the Smart  Settlement & Urbanization category, UTRUCKIT, pioneered by Tom Roberts took first position. What the solution does is to enable cargo owners  convey their cargo the way they want it  from the comfort of their homes just by  using the Utruckit app.

Meanwhile, ALAT DIGITAL BANK led by Nnamdi Azodo won the Business &  Commerce category. Powered by Wema bank, ALAT Digital Bank is Nigeria’s first fully digital bank, where customers can sign up in less than 5  minutes, submit relevant documents without  ever entering a physical branch, make easy and automated savings to  reach their life aspirations and request for their free debit card. Coming second and third in the category are JARA APP by Emeka Akano and WARACAKE by Olatunde Ayilara respectively.

Also, eTrash2Cash led by Muhammad Abdullahi  won the ENVIRONMENT &  GREEN ENERGY category. eTrash2Cash is a combination of electronic  platforms of web & mobile application and  sms solutions that helps low income people  earn cash incentives in exchange for their  everyday wastes or trash.

The World Summit Award (WSA) is a global initiative, which aims to select and promote the world’s best in digital content and innovative applications. It is organised in the framework of the United Nations’ World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS), and mandated by the WSIS Plan of Action.

The WSA is a nomination based award that works with an international expert network. The expert’s task is to scout the national ICT markets for suitable applications due to the evaluation criteria of the WSA.

“It is positive development that Nigeria has been making a huge impact in the global innovation space – In previous edition WSA 2016 Nigeria won with the FillYaTank Mobile App,” Emmanuel added. He said all successful winners in the global competition, after the grand jury work hosting in Berlin, October this year, will be celebrated at the WSA Global Congress March 20-22, 2018 in Vienna, Austria.

The Nigerian WSA expert, and Director Africa, on the Global Digital Foundation, Emmanuel Amos, also confirmed an ongoing leadership role, with the support of the WSA office, in coordinating a continental platform of the WSA Africa to rebuild the African digital sector borderlessly leveraging on notable development co-operation policies and the African Union Agenda 2063.


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