By Martin Ekpeke
The Association of Telecom Companies of Nigeria (ATCON), last night unveiled a book it said x-rayed the Nigerian telecom/ICT sector and some personalities who have helped to grow the Nigerian telecom industry that is today worth $70 billion investment.
Speaking at the unveiling, the President of ATCON, Olusola Teniola said the aim of publishing the book is to celebrate the industry, which is currently contributing 9 percent to Nigeria’s Gross Domestic Product.
“The idea of publishing the book was solely conceived to celebrate individuals and corporate organizations that have contributed and still leading innovation and creativity in the industry through their personal and corporate efforts,” he said at the event attended by almost all stakeholders in the ICT industry.
He noted that a book highlighting the profile, achievements, skills and innovations of individuals and corporate organizations would further encourage ATCON, an umbrella body of all telecom professionals in Nigeria to intensify its advocacy drive in the Nigerian telecom and ICT ecosystem.
Teniola, who was re-elected as ATCON President earlier this year, added that the association is ready to blow its trumpet, as that will help protect the existing investment with the sole aim of attracting further investment into the sector.
The book on 100 leading Personalities in Nigerian Telecom/ICT Sector, chronicled individuals and corporate organizations that have done well to grow the industry to where it is today and what they still plan to do in order to speed up the needed future development.
The strategic goals, according to Teniola is to put on record, those who have contributed to the development of telecom and ICT in Nigeria, adding that the book will help to record the development that has taken place since the liberalization of the sector.
A look at the book shows that curriculum vitae (in an easy format) of the personalities, a brief historical background of how the company has led creativity in terms of the company’s services and products, the future plans of the company with respect to innovation and creativity and the list of corporate social responsibility that the company has done in the past were recorded.
Others are the brief corporate profile and advert of the company and passport photograph of the personality of that organization. It also noted the challenges that have constituted threats to creativity and innovation in the Nigeria telecom and ICT industry and proffer way forward.
Teniola, had at a press conference in Lagos earlier this year, disclosed that the book when launch will hit Embassies, Universities, Federal and State Government Agencies, Public and private libraries, Telecom and ICT International Events and Media houses.
He believes such a move will give the incoming generation the opportunity to learn from the veterans in the telecom industry.