Stanbic IBTC Holdings PLC, a member of Standard Bank Group, has joined the fray in the fight against Coronavirus (COVID-19) in Nigeria by donating N250 million to the Nigerian Private Sector Coalition Against the deadly virus, formed recently to combat the virus.

The bank said the donation is its effort to support the government’s effort and boost the Nigerian health sector’s capacity to combat the pandemic.

“The rate at which the COVID-19 virus is spreading calls for the quick action and collective response to avert unprecedented health, social and economic crises. This is not the battle which the government can fight alone. Both public and private sector stakeholders need to muster every available resource to combat the COVID-19 spread,” said Yinka Sanni, Chief Executive Officer, Stanbic IBTC Holdings PLC, while announcing the donation.

He added that Stanbic IBTC remains committed to this cause and will continue to support the government and our compatriots in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Stanbic IBTC Holdings Chief Executive further added that this donation is only one of several interventions being made by the financial solutions provider as Nigeria battles the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN), in partnership with the Nigerian private sector, had formed this alliance to combat the COVID-19. Other individuals and corporate organizations have shown their support towards assisting the government and the country at large to fight the pandemic.

Stanbic IBTC Bank PLC is also a member of the Operations Committee of the Nigerian Private Sector Coalition Against COVID-19. The Operations Committee is responsible for project management, logistics, communication, and advocacy.


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