The National Information Technology Development Agency (NITDA) has inaugurated the Local Organising Committee, (LOC) for the 13th edition of the e-Nigeria Conference, Exhibitions and Awards, the flagship IT event in the country.  

The international IT conference, which is scheduled to hold from November 24-26 this year, provides platform for creation of digital awareness, development of appropriate framework and setting of goals to ensure best practices in order to encourage appropriate positioning of Nigeria in the global information society.

Inaugural the committee at the NITDA head office in Abuja, the Director General of NITDA, Mal. Kashifu Inuwa noted that e-Nigeria is meant to be the Nigeria flagship IT event in every sense and the event should ensure that its impact is felt world over. 

Inuwa who was represented by the Director, Information Technology Infrastructure Solutions, Dr Usman Abdullahi disclosed that NITDA is planning to make this year’s event regional because it is coming at the period when the  pandemic is making virtual meeting the new normal.

Inuwa advised  the LOC members to ensure that they plan and execute a highly successful international event that will see participation of participants all over the world.

He said, “the team should be able to plan  and execute e-Nigeria that will surpass previous successes recorded, which the IT stakeholders would be proud of.  “I know you have the capabilities that is why your office finds you worthy to be among the LOC.”

The DG advised the member, drawn from the public and private sector to be innovative and open to new ideas as nothing is cast on stone. “Let us not constrain ourselves to the arrangements we already have, we can do things differently this year. Introduction of new ideas that are different from conference, startup ouches and master class are welcome. Let us make this 2020 edition different and I am confident you can do it.

Earlier, Chief Research Officer, Dr Muhammed Agbali who spoke on behalf of Director, Corporate Planning and Strategy, Dr Agu Collins whose department oversees the execution of the conference said, the 13th edition of the conference would be infusion of both virtual and physical platforms due to COVID-19 pandemic.

Describing the 2020 e-Nigeria as “hybrid conference, Dr Agbali stated that people would be able to join the conference anywhere from the world adding that only the speakers, facilitators, resource person and dignitaries would be physically present at the physical venue of the event. He said the Agency is about to develop a virtual meeting platform that can achieve that.

The proposed theme for this year e-Nigeria which is slated to hold from 24 to 26 November, 2020 is “Towards a National Digital Transformation and Economic Sustainability in Nigeria.”

The theme and the sub themes are derivatives of the National Digital Economy Policy and Strategy and NITDA Roadmaps which are designed to transform Nigeria’s economy to digital with the use of digital technology.



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