One of Nigeria’s leading insurance firms in Nigeria, Afriglobal Insurance Brokers Limited, today launched an Insurtech Digital Platform that will ultimately alter insurance operations in Nigeria.

Tagged Africover247,  the application is a smart application that enables anybody to buy insurance via mobile devices from start to finish without human intervention, enabling reporting of claims and processing up to the payment of claims.

Speaking at the unveiling today, the Managing Director of Afriglobal Insurance Brokers Limited, Mr. Casmir Azubuike said the launch of Africover247 was propelled by the ravaging Covid-19 pandemic as the project started shortly before the Covid-19 pandemic last year.

He argued that the Africover247application is the first of its kind across the insurance industry because of its simplicity, user-friendliness and vastness.

“Africover247 is a one-stop-shop for all insurance services. It is a round-the-clock digital Insurance transaction platform that will assist businesses, individuals and technology providers access insurance and redistribute insurance products with ease,” he said.

He also explained the portal is user friendly and has the potentials to change the Nigerian insurance landscape, adding that apart from its round the clock features, the portal will enable a user to start and finish some classes of insurance from the comfort of your home while for some other complex classes of insurance, you will be redirected to a 24-hour help desk for guides.

A quick review of the Africover247 indicates that key features of the Africover247 platform include:

Chat box: lt has the capability to manage offline inquiries and online real-time live chat with customers in order to meet their insurance needs on a 24-hour basis.

Administration: The capability to manage users, their permissions and authorities within the system. Organizational changes and new staff onboarding can be easily managed with the profile management tool. Products and their parameters can be created and administered in defined insurance categories and associated with insurance wordings in the insurance library. The platform also includes a repository of intermediaries and financial counterparties to help manage the distribution and production network.

API Adaptability: It has the ability to integrate with other companies’ digital infrastructure to fester business.

User Experience Benefits: Forms and applications can be easily imported into the application and tiles uploaded in a variety of formats using drag and drop.

Loss Reporting, Claims Processing and Payment: This customer-centric platform is designed such that you can report your insurance claim from the comfort of your room and have the claims processed irrespective of normal work days disruptions.


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