The first PwC Africa Annual Review 2022 report which tells the story of a remarkable year and focuses on our impact, value creation, strategy and related performance for the financial year ended 30 June 2022 has showcased investment in several key areas that support our clients in their transformation journeys.

They are:

Value creation

As businesses around the world continue to adapt to new and unprecedented challenges, the traditional view of value is due for an overhaul. But in pursuing a holistic transformation to achieve long-term, sustained outcomes, untapped sources of growth need to be explored. The PwC Africa Annual Review 2022 explores how we help our clients to create new approaches to value creation by holistically exploring financial, operational, and more unconventional angles.

International development

Despite significant strides in recent years, Africa continues to face complex development challenges. We are investing in our international development team to ensure we continue to build trust in society by playing a key role in supporting Africa’s growth and strengthening its resilience for the future.


Cybersecurity is viewed as a top ten business risk by CEOs across most industries, both globally and in Africa. PwC Africa’s cybersecurity professionals have deep technical and industry-specific experience in helping clients navigate their most significant cybersecurity risks, and what really sets our team apart is the depth of local and network capabilities.

Technology-enabled transformation

When it comes to responding to evolving disruptions in the business landscape, technology often drives and enables large-scale transformations. PwC’s business technologists work with organisations to interpret and describe their transformational visions, ensuring that their overall strategy is fit for growth, in line with business objectives, and future-proof.

Environmental Social Governance

At PwC Africa, we believe that internalising ESG considerations holistically will allow organisations to build trust and ensure long-term sustainability, agility, and competitiveness. Our community of solvers — which includes experienced environmental science, economics, energy, engineering, finance, law, assurance, tax and reporting specialists — have a broad range of skills required to address complex challenges and help clients to integrate ESG into their strategy.


ITPulse is a wholly information technology communication (ICT) news website, with a special focus on the African continent. The website provides up-to-date biz-tech news, analysis and comprehensive and thorough insight into the continent's ICT terrain

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