By Martin Ekpeke

The Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC) has called for a collaboration that will forge a future where innovation knows no gender boundaries, where every idea is nurtured and where women are just thrive as pioneers and partners of change.

The Executive Vice Chairman of NCC, Prof. Umar Danbatta made the call today in Lagos at the  Women & Girls Innovation Summit, which was organized by Women in Technology in Nigeria (WITIN).

“Together let us forge a future where innovation knows no gender boundaries, where every idea is nurtured and where women are just thriving as pioneers and partners of change,” Prof. Danbatta who was represented by his Special Assistant (Legal), Mrs. Afure Iloka said.

According to him, there is a need to create spaces where women or girls feel empowered to take risks, learn from failure or persevere in the face of diversity in the face of adversity, stressing that it is through collective efforts that Nigeria can cultivate an ecosystem that nurtures and amplifies the idea of innovations of women and girls.

“As we celebrate the achievements of the incredible women and girls in this event, let us remember that this is not the end of the stepping stone towards a brighter future. Let us commit to fostering an environment where innovation is not bound by gender or flourishes through the power of intention to the young girls who aspire to be innovators,” he advised.

Admitting that there are barriers that limit access to education, mentorship, funding and leadership opportunities for women, the telecom regulator’s boss insists that the industry must strive for equitable workplaces where women and girls are supported, valued and provide with the resources they need to thrive.

He believes that women have the power to shape industries, tackle pressing global challenges and create a better world for all enclosing, adding that there is a need to unite all efforts to ensure that women and girls are not only given a seat at the table but also have an influential voice in shaping the innovative landscape of tomorrow.

“To create a truly innovative Nigeria we must tap into the vast wellsprings of talents and potentials that women and girls possess. It is a fact that when we empower women and girls, we have empowered entire communities and nations, ideas and talents have the power to drive groundbreaking solutions, disrupt industries and bring about positive change.


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