The Association of Telecommunications Companies of Nigeria  (ATCON), has prioritised four focus areas for the new Minster of Minister of Communications, Innovation and Digital Economy, Bosun Tijani.

The four focus areas, which are contained in a congratulatory message signed by its President, Tony Izuagbe Emoekpere, are 

  1. Creation of a special FX window for operators in the industry
  2. Passing into Act Critical National Infrastructure Bill
  3. Implementation of agreement on Right of Way
  4. Multiple Taxation / Regulation

The umbrella body of telecom professionals in Nigeria noted that it is doing this because the success of the new Minister is its success, recommending further that an Industry Think Tank Team should be constituted to help him fast-track growth and development in the sector.

“He needs the expertise of industry Associations to embark on projects, and programmes that would speed up the growth, efficiency and effectiveness of the Nigerian Telecom and ICT Sector. The Association of Telecommunications Companies of Nigeria  (ATCON), is poised and ready to work with the Honourable Minister of Communications, Innovation and Digital Economy to make his tenure impactful and we wish him success,” the message stated.

While also welcoming the appointment of Mr. Bosun Tijani as the new Minister of Communications, Innovation and Digital Economy and congratulating him on his appointment, ATCON salutes President Bola Ahmed Tinubu for appointing a person with an  IT background to the post and the fact that he is relatively young shows that a dynamic approach to the industry is being targeted.

“Of note also is the addition of “Innovation” to the title of the Ministry.  It is a further pointer to the direction the current government intends to take in the communication industry. Considering one of the promises of a million digital jobs, a lot of innovation is truly required.

The association however believes that there are still fundamental challenges facing the industry, especially at the physical layer – infrastructure, which if unresolved will not allow success in the application layers where most of the digital jobs reside.

“There is a great need to develop, secure and enable further expansion of communication infrastructure in the country. With a solid Infrastructure Base, Innovative Digital Services which can take advantage of the growing Digital Economy can be further developed and expanded to all areas of the country, especially the unserved and underserved areas.

“Issues ranging from funding, security and permits still bedevil the industry although several strides have been made especially by the regulating bodies chiefly NCC as well as NITDA and now the NDPC,” it highlighted.


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