The United Kingdom has highlighted its government’s initiatives in Nigeria to promote technology, innovation, and economic growth.

The report released recently during a workshop for Tech Journalists in Nigeria at the British Residence in Ikoyi-Lagos covers three main programs:

  • UK-Nigeria Tech Hub: Launched in 2019, this program supports the Nigerian tech ecosystem by:
    • Stimulating local digital economies: Through programs like Social Innovation Driven Entrepreneurship, which helps startups address local challenges.
    • Building high-end digital skills: Initiatives like DevCareer equip aspiring tech professionals with software development, product management, and design skills.
    • Forging partnerships: The Venture Link project connects Nigerian tech companies with potential UK investors.
  • HMG Digital Strategy in Nigeria: This broader strategy aims to achieve inclusive economic growth through:
    • Developing a digitally skilled workforce: By improving access to digital education and training programs.
    • Creating a fit-for-purpose regulatory environment: Supporting the development of policies that encourage innovation.
    • Improving digital infrastructure: Encouraging investment in broadband expansion and better connectivity.
    • Promoting a resilient cyber ecosystem: Enhancing cybersecurity measures to protect businesses and individuals.
  • West Africa Research and Innovation Hub (WARIH): This program strengthens research and innovation capacities in Nigeria and Ghana. It achieves this through:
    • Strengthening ecosystems: WARIH supports initiatives like Place-Based Innovation, which fosters technology development in secondary cities.
    • Facilitating partnerships: The Open Innovation Challenge connects companies with innovators to address specific challenges.
    • Building research capacity: Programs like Innovation 2 Market help researchers commercialize their ideas.

Key Successes

  • The UK-Nigeria Tech Hub has supported over 168 tech companies and startups and connected them with 55 investors.
  • DevCareer has trained over 1,700 individuals in tech skills.
  • WARIH facilitated the activation of an $80 million investment for the Ekiti Knowledge Zone project.
  • WARIH programs have trained hundreds of researchers and innovators and helped bring research outputs to market.

Future Objectives

  • The UK-Nigeria Tech Hub aims to empower the ecosystem for self-regulation and policy development.
  • The HMG Digital Strategy in Nigeria focuses on building a tech-skilled workforce and attracting investment in infrastructure.
  • WARIH seeks to increase sustainable projects, engage more co-investors, and share learnings to strengthen innovation ecosystems across Africa.

Overall, the UK government is committed to supporting a thriving tech sector in Nigeria. These initiatives aim to create jobs, promote economic growth, and empower Nigerians to participate in the digital economy.


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